Difficulty in Keeping Wudhu due to Vaginal Discharge


I am a muslim girl and finding difficulty in keeping my wudu because of vaginal discharge, does it breaks my wudu? if yes then it means that i should repeat my wudu for every prayer because its emmission is unintentionally and i dont know weather it has been emmitted or not so i renew my wudu..


In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Respected Sister

In principle if the discharge is not continuous and one entire Salaah time does not pass in that state then you should renew your Wudhu before performing every Salaah. The discharge will be regarded to be impure, and the cleaning of the impurity will be necessary for the validity of Salaah. To avoid too much inconvenience in soiling your underpants and using the washroom frequently a pad or tissue paper could be placed and changed before every Salaah.

You could adopt the following method in performing Salaah, Zuhr Salaah could be performed towards the end of the time of Zuhr and Asr Salaah as soon as the time of Asr enters. You could do the same with Maghrib and Isha Salaah. Hence if this method is adopted the inconvenience caused will be of a lesser degree.

However if are you are confused with your situation, then you should firstly examine your situation and see if you fall in the category of Ma’zur or not. I.e. if the fluid flows out continuously for one full time of Salaah (to analyse this at the time of Maghrib Salaah would be easier, as it is the shortest time), and in this case if the flowing does not stop for the amount of time in which you could make Wudhu and perform the Fardh Salaah, then you would fall under the category of Ma’zur. Once you are classified as a Ma’zur, you would not have to analyse this for all the Salaah, but you will remain a Ma’zur until the discharge of fluid stops completely, and not a single drop is discharged for one full time of Salaah.[1]

Once it is confirmed that you are a Ma’zur, you would only be required to make Wudhu once for everySalaah. The Wudhu for that particular Salaah will suffice to perform all the Sunan and Nawafil of that Salaah. Similarly, the recitation of the Holy Quran and all those A’mal that require Wudhu could be carried out with the same Wudhu.

If there is any discharge which comes out during the time of Salaah, it will not break the Wudhu, nor will it be necessary to clean the impurity. The Wudhu will only break once the time of Salaah has expired.
For example, if you make Wudhu after the time of Zuhr has set in, then your Wudhu will only break on the expiry of the time of Zuhr. However, if any other act that nullifies Wudhu (i.e. passing of wind, etc.) takes place, then the Wudhu will break.

We make Dua Allah Ta‘ala grant you Shifa from this illness and grant you the strength to perform all your Salaah within its time.

And Allah Ta‘ala knows best
Mufti Luqman Hansrot
Fatwa Dept.


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[1] وصاحب عذر من به سلس بول لا يمكنه إمساكه أو استطلاق بطن أو انفلات ريح أو استحاضة . .. إن استوعب عذره تمام وقت صلاة مفروضة بأن لا يجد في جميع وقتها زمنا يتوضأ ويصلي فيه خاليا عن الحدث. وهذا شرط العذر في حق الابتداء ، وفي حق البقاء كفى وجوده في جزء من الوقت ولو مرة وفي حق الزوال يشترط استيعاب الانقطاع تمام الوقت. وحكمه الوضوء لكل فرض ثم يصلي فيه فرضا ونفلا فإذا خرج الوقت بطل.
(رد المحتار,سعيد, ج1, ص 305)

وتتوضأ المستحاضة ومن به عذر كسلس بول أو استطلاق بطن لوقت كل فرض ويصلون به ويبطل وضوء المعذورين بخروج الوقت فقط ولا يصير معذورا حتى يستوعبه العذر وقتا كاملا ليس فيه انقطاع بقدر الوضوء والصلاة وهذا شرط ثبوته وشرط دوامه وجوده في كل وقت بعد ذلك ولو مرة وشرط انقطاعه وخروج صاحبه عن كونه معذورا خلو وقت كامل عنه.

(مراقي الفلاح شرح متن نور الإيضاح, ج 1 , ص 148 )

قال – رحمه الله – (وتتوضأ المستحاضة ومن به سلس البول أو استطلاق بطن أو انفلات ريح أو رعاف دائم أو جرح لا يرقأ لوقت كل فرض) وقال الشافعي تتوضأ لكل فريضة لقوله – عليه الصلاة والسلام – لفاطمة بنت أبي حبيش ييي توضئي لكل صلاة.
(تبيين الحقائق , المطبعة الكبرى الأميرية , ج 1 , ص 64)

(فتاوى محمودية , جامعة فاروقية , ج 5 , ص 225)