Golden Advice

Departing Advice to teachers (Ulama) by Hadhrat Moulana Qari Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Sahib Rahmatullahi Allayhi[1]

(1) Work with sincerity and honesty.

(2) Everyone should work together with unity. There should be no differences among one another.

(3) Everyone should respect one another.

(4) Be kind towards the students. Do not be hard on them. Care for them like your own children.

(5) Keep the system for ta’leem and tarbiyah of the Madrasah in order.

(6) The Qur’aan Shareef must be taught with tajweed.

(7) All lessons must be taught punctually with preparation and should never be missed out.

(8) During the Madrasah times, do not engage in any personal work.

(9) In every aspect, allow the Madrasah to progress.

(10) Make arrangements for cleaning.

(11) Nigraani (inspections) is necessary.

(12) Whatever the Shurah decides, practice upon it.

[1] (Hayaat e Siddeeq, Publsh. Ta’limi Board, KZN, Pg 341)